
Hasson Julian Roberts was born in Pittsburgh, PA and moved to Richmond, VA at the age of 11 To be an artist was his goal from an early age. He attended Christopher Newport University in Newport News, VA. There he was given the freedom and support to develop his distinct style. Hasson has amassed several large artists’ journals filled with sketches, notes, thoughts, ideas for his artwork. His life and his art have both become bound up within these journals, and he has developed a deeply personal artistic style that is filled with highly charged personal imagery, organic designs and iconography. Hasson works spontaneously, with each creative session evolving almost as if it is being grown. One overriding theme which weaves its way through Hasson’s work is a pure raw emotion caused by a hauntingly beautiful blend of form, color, design and elements of nature. resulting in an the almost organic flow of his works. The resulting works along with the artist himself is something truly unique.